As we mature, the body becomes less efficient at absorbing some key nutrients. We are going to go through some of these key nutrients that you could be in short supply of, and give some ways to get enough!

Vitamin B12

This is important for creating red blood cells and maintaining healthy nerve function. Some ways to ingest this vitamin is through fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk etc. Otherwise, you can talk to your doctor about taking a B12 supplement.

Folic Acid

While folate, or folic acid is common in certain breakfast cereals, you can also reach your daily goals through eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Again, if these are not foods you are eating enough of, talk to your doctor about taking a supplement.


Calcium is important for building and maintaining strong bones, which as you may or may not know, decreases as we age. Meaning, decreased calcium has been linked to increased fractures and brittle bones. Although my body does not agree, there are plenty of dairy products that can be eaten. Also, foods such as kale and broccoli are huge for bone health.

Vitamin D

This can help the body absorb calcium, maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis. It has also been recently linked to some chronic diseases such as cancer, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Especially in older adults, being deficient in vitamin D has also been linked to an increase of falls. Some foods that you can consume are milk, some yogurts, some juices and also found naturally in salmon, tuna and eggs.


Potassium can also help keep your bones strong, and is vital for cell function and reducing high blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are definitely the richest source of potassium. These include banana, prunes, plums and potatoes.


Many different physiological processes are affected by a lack of magnesium. Getting enough can help with keeping your immune system up to snuff, your heart healthy and bones strong. While taking a supplement for this is very simple and easy, avoiding processed foods and eating fresh vegetables, nuts, whole grains, beans and seeds is key to getting enough magnesium in your body. 


Promotion of healthy digestion is the main job of fiber, along with protecting you against heart disease. Some foods rich in fiber are whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables.

Omega-3 Fats

These are unsaturated fats and have a number of benefits. Some recent research has discovered reducing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and slowing reduced vision in the elderly among them. Others are reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and keeping the brain sharp. Fish, including salmon and tuna are huge contributors of Omega-3, as well as soybeans, flaxseeds and canola oil.

While everyone’s body is different, and we all need different things, these essential nutrients should be a major part of our diet. Especially as we age, it’s important to look at our diet in a new light and be aware. Also, if you are unsure or have more questions, please ask your doctor!

Until next time,

Keep living your best life,


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