There are so many different sources of information, and so many people telling you so many different things. Who do you listen to? What social media sources are telling the truth? Which news outlets care that what they are sharing is right? If you’re like me, it’s hard to separate truth from fiction. I’m hoping to help clear some common fitness myths up for you in the next few minutes.


Weight training will make me too muscular

You might be nervous about this one. Nervous to lift any weight, or lift too much that you’ll hurt yourself. Start with light weights. Lifting weights doesn’t give you one particular body type, but it will give you a strong and fit version of the body you have.  Body fat is a huge factor. Most often what happens is that when clients start weight training, they not only gain muscle but lose body fat. They end up getting leaner, firmer and smaller.


Machines are a safer way to exercise because I’m doing it right

Although it may seem that the machines put your body in the right position and help you do the movements correctly, that’s only true if it’s adjusted for your weight and height. Unless you have a coach or trainer helping you, you can make just as many mistakes in form as if you work out with free weights.  Machines are sized mainly for men, so unless you’re the average sized male, machines can be awkward!  Free weights offer huge advantages, specifically for women! Machines only target one or two muscle groups at a time, but bodyweight or dumbbell exercises use several muscle groups in one move.


I need to spend at least an hour and a half working out

This is not true. There are a lot of different numbers out there, but do what works for you. I usually do workouts that last for 30-60 minutes. It also depends on the type of training you are doing; cardio, weight training, or a fun activity can have different goals and lengths of time. Here are a few easy ways to spend less time at the gym/working out

  1. Make a preset playlist and don’t touch the music.
  2. Stick to your workout and don’t chat!
  3. Don’t rest between exercises. It’s all about the heart rate anyways.
  4. Find 10 minutes here or there to get active – time adds up!


I don’t fit in at the gym

It’s that “getting comfortable” part that can be tricky or frustrating. Firstly, pick the right gym. Go in for a tour and ask questions to make sure they have all the amenities that you are looking for – such as a women’s only section, a pool, free fitness classes etc. Many people feel too intimidated by the regular gym goers. One way around that is to go at less busy times until you are more comfortable. Also, have a plan before you go. If you’re trying new moves, practice at home first! If there’s new lingo you need to learn, ask a friend or use the internet. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Introduce yourself, ask about the equipment, find fitness classes that you enjoy etc. Also, if the gym’s not for you, find an activity that makes you excited to get active!

When in doubt, keep it simple and ask questions!

Until next time,

Keep living the Kait Life!

Kait xo