Make the Most of Summer With Fun Activities
Summer is truly in full swing and it’s time to make the most of the beautiful weather while it’s here!
August 3rd, 2023|Activities|
Summer is truly in full swing and it’s time to make the most of the beautiful weather while it’s here!
July 3rd, 2023|Home|
Summer is a great time to move! The weather is typically pretty good with no threats of poor road
June 16th, 2023|Activities|
Summer is the perfect time to take a road trip! Beautiful weather, happy people, upbeat music; what more could
May 23rd, 2023|Activities|
Summer is fast approaching! Are you planning to watch over the young ones from time to time but aren’t
April 27th, 2023|Activities|
Winter is a time for hibernation, bundling up indoors, and being cozy. But with spring slowly settling in, it’s
August 8th, 2022|Wellness|
Courtesy of Goshenite Seniors Services For some of us, by the time August rolls around and as much as
July 9th, 2022|Life|
If we had to name just one common theme running throughout the Amintro website it would be this one:
July 1st, 2022|Life, Sandwich Generation|
Actually we’re just kidding! With apologies to Dale Carnegie, we ARE a social medial platform that helps mature, active
February 3rd, 2022|Activities, Wellness|
January is the perfect time to transform the winter blues into a warm kaleidoscope of brighter thoughts, feelings, and