Multi-Tasking Your Way Through the Generational Divide
Often when we use words like “generational divide,” what instantly comes to mind is actually more of a reference
November 14th, 2022|Sandwich Generation|
Often when we use words like “generational divide,” what instantly comes to mind is actually more of a reference
November 8th, 2022|Activities|
Consider this an open letter to our faithful Amintro readers. Each month we write about embracing life to the fullest;
October 8th, 2022|Life|
At Amintro, we talk a great deal about the joy of ageing – it’s just that we don’t really
October 1st, 2022|Sandwich Generation|
If you already know about Amintro and follow us on “the regular,” you’ll know that we spend a lot of
September 13th, 2022|Life|
Pet Parenthood as a Mature Adult Perhaps you grew up with a treasured family fur baby, or when your own
November 5th, 2021|Life|
Ever dreamed of owning a particular make and model of vehicle, perhaps a flashy convertible or a fast and furious
March 21st, 2020|Wellness|
Any Age Can Volunteer My fellow Amintro friends, it’s your time to shine. Sure right now we are facing
March 21st, 2020|Technology, Wellness|
Sure right now we are facing a crisis the likes of which most of us have never seen before.