Pets and Your Parents
Do Your Parents Really Need a Pet and Does That Mean You’re on Pet Sitting Duty? This month we’ve
September 29th, 2022|Life|
Do Your Parents Really Need a Pet and Does That Mean You’re on Pet Sitting Duty? This month we’ve
August 15th, 2022|Activities|
Do you have fond memories of roaring fires, toasting marshmallows, and swimming for hours or nightmares featuring marauding raccoons,
July 19th, 2022|Life|
Two leaders in Canada’s senior health and wellness industry are renewing their partnership in support of active and engaged
July 9th, 2022|Life|
If we had to name just one common theme running throughout the Amintro website it would be this one:
July 1st, 2022|Life, Sandwich Generation|
Actually we’re just kidding! With apologies to Dale Carnegie, we ARE a social medial platform that helps mature, active
As we age, it’s a very real possibility that even those of us in relatively good health will occasionally have
May 2nd, 2022|Worklife|
Amintro is excited to welcome THRIVE to our platform as a preferred partner, a role that supports our mutual goals
April 8th, 2022|Home, Wellness|
For many of us, this is the time of year we throw open the windows, let some fresh air
March 24th, 2022|Activities, Life|
How to thrive for ALL the years you’re ALIVE – with Amintro! Too often as we get older, we’re