Grey Hair? Don’t Care!
We’re going a little off script here but we think it’s time to address the elephant in the room -
December 27th, 2022|Life|
We’re going a little off script here but we think it’s time to address the elephant in the room -
December 1st, 2022|Life|
Battling the elements of winter can be challenging and isolating for many seniors, creating barriers to participation in social and
July 19th, 2022|Life|
Two leaders in Canada’s senior health and wellness industry are renewing their partnership in support of active and engaged
July 9th, 2022|Life|
If we had to name just one common theme running throughout the Amintro website it would be this one:
July 1st, 2022|Life, Sandwich Generation|
Actually we’re just kidding! With apologies to Dale Carnegie, we ARE a social medial platform that helps mature, active
February 23rd, 2022|Wellness|
Gone are the days of your grandparents when retirement meant relegating yourself to puttering in the garden and doing the
September 21st, 2021|Life, Wellness|
Increased periods of isolation from lockdowns have left Canadians across the country feeling more alone. While this summer has
September 16th, 2021|Life|
If you’re looking to re-connect with your family and friends living in a Senior Care Home setting, you’re reading the
August 27th, 2021|Activities|
Amintro has been connecting people across North America, forging new friendships and creating a space for people to “get