Ideas for Showing Your Friends Some Love This Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and despite what advertising might tell us, it isn’t just about significant others.
February 5th, 2024|Bucket List|
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and despite what advertising might tell us, it isn’t just about significant others.
February 17th, 2023|Activities|
Family Day is on February 20, 2023. A day typically spent with loved ones reconnecting and creating quality memories
November 7th, 2022|Life|
With attitudes towards aging in general changing over these past few years, in what many feel to be a more
October 3rd, 2022|Life, Wellness|
It’s a big decision. Is the lifestyle in a retirement residence the best option for you or a loved one—and
September 29th, 2022|Life|
Do Your Parents Really Need a Pet and Does That Mean You’re on Pet Sitting Duty? This month we’ve
September 13th, 2022|Life|
Pet Parenthood as a Mature Adult Perhaps you grew up with a treasured family fur baby, or when your own
September 9th, 2022|Wellness|
September ISN’T fall prevention month but as we head into the season of changing weather patterns and a winter on
As we age, it’s a very real possibility that even those of us in relatively good health will occasionally have
December 20th, 2021|Life, Wellness|
For many older adults, a fur baby (or pet companion) is the perfect addition to their new and more