Famous Fit Females…At SEVENTY Plus
So much of the fitness industry seems targeted at young people. And if you’re a little bit older than the
October 6th, 2022|Wellness|
So much of the fitness industry seems targeted at young people. And if you’re a little bit older than the
June 7th, 2022|Wellness|
There probably aren’t many people who would argue with the statement “exercise is good for you.” Whether they like to
December 20th, 2021|Life, Wellness|
For many older adults, a fur baby (or pet companion) is the perfect addition to their new and more
December 2nd, 2021|Contenu en français|
La période des fêtes est tout indiquée pour réfléchir aux gens et aux choses qui vous tiennent à cœur
August 4th, 2021|Contenu en français|
Il y a plus de mille ans, le philosophe grec Héraclite fit l’observation suivante : « Le changement est
August 4th, 2021|Wellness|
More than a millennium ago, Greek philosopher Heraclitus observed, “Change is the only constant in life.” That certainly applies
January 15th, 2021|Wellness|
The food an individual consumes over their lifetime is composed of a certain combination of fat, protein, and carbohydrate. These
January 13th, 2021|Wellness|
Nutritional Labels and More Dietary Food Guides offer general recommendations surrounding what individuals should eat to achieve and maintain
December 8th, 2020|Wellness|
For an individual of any age, fibre is a significant factor to consider when planning which foods to eat.