Heartbreaking note from 90 year-old woman highlights a growing epidemic facing the elderly. And Amintro wants to help fix it.
Lately there have been many stories of lonely seniors making headlines in the news, including:
The story of Wanda, a 90 year-old woman living alone in Missouri, who wrote a note to her neighbour, asking her if she would be her friend. The note read,
“Would you consider to become my friend.
I’m 90 years old- live alone.
All my friends have passed away.
I’m so lonesome and scared.
Please I pray for someone.”
Before Wanda there was the story of Joe Bartley, the 89 year-old veteran who placed an ad in his local paper seeking a job. His ad read:
“Senior citizen 89 seeks employment in Paignton area. 20hrs+ per week. Still able to clean, light gardening, DIY and anything. I have references. Old soldier, airborne forces. Save me from dying of boredom!”
There was also the story of an elderly couple who called the police because they were extremely lonely. Even though they lived together, had each other for company, they still needed contact with the outside world. The officers responded to their call, put on the kettle and stayed for a visit. The couple was later quoted as saying:
“It was a nice change to have somebody to talk to, somebody different to talk to”.
It isn’t just these extreme cases that need to be addressed. All over the world there are people, whether they are divorced, widowed, coupled or even those surrounded by others, that feel lonely.
Loneliness isn’t always about being alone, it is about feeling alone. Which is why we need the bonds of friendship.
Each of the stories mentioned above came with a happy ending. Wanda made a friend, Joe found a job, and the elderly couple received more visitors. However, what about all those people that haven’t had a feature story made about their situation?
This is where Amintro comes in. Amintro is the social community designed exclusively for those 50 plus looking to make new friends and increase their social circles. We are not a dating site! This is a place to make connections and create good, old-fashioned friendships.
And we aren’t just for the Wanda’s and Joe’s of the world.
So, who is Amintro for?
Amintro is for those that need a friend, for those that want to fill up their social calendars, and for those that want to live life to the fullest. You could be in a similar situation as Wanda, or you could have a vibrant social life already.
Amintro is for you if:
You are 50 years of age or older and:
- Are feeling lonely
- Want to increase your social circles
- Want to form new friendships
- Have many friends but want to expand your network
- Are empty nesters
- Have adult children still living at home
- Are single, widowed, live alone
- Are in a relationship or are married
- Want to get more out of life
- Are an introvert
- Live an active lifestyle
- Have decreased or limited mobility
- Want to try something new
- Get out of a rut
- Create new experiences and opportunities for yourself
The point is, Amintro is for EVERYONE aged 50 years of age or older. You can connect with like-minded people in your community, make friends, and get out of the house more often.
The benefits of an active social life have been well studied and documented. And they reach far beyond having a nice time with friends. The physical, emotional and overall wellness that come from face-to-face social interactions are enormous – you can read more about that here.
Membership to Amintro is free, and you can learn more about us, our community and how to become an Amintronian by following us on Twitter: @AmintroFriends, or liking us on Facebook: AmintroFriends.
By Christine Tompa