With attitudes towards aging in general changing over these past few years, in what many feel to be a more positive shift overall, it occurred to us to check in with our readers and followers to see how you were feeling about getting older? Do you think it’s time to rejoice and be GLAD or a time to be SAD? Perhaps more than anything, it is your attitude (and those of others around you) that directly impacts how you feel about the entirety of the aging process. Attitude really is such an important perspective that whether we consider societal attitudes, or individual ones, how we feel about aging is an important topic to explore.
What is “Attitude?”
We like this definition from Oxford languages best. According to them, attitude is, “a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.” This definition resonates because it directly links attitude to one’s behavior. Think about how you wake up on a sunny day vs. a dreary, rainy day. There’s a very good chance your attitude toward the day is directly impacted by the weather. You may very well wake up with the same aches and pains you had yesterday (November is Osteoporosis month, perhaps we’ll touch on that later) but a sunny day calls to you to get out of bed, dress comfortably and perhaps go for a walk outside despite feeling a little uncomfortable, while a rainy day virtually demands that you stay huddled under the covers a bit longer than usual and maybe even makes those aches and pains seem that much more noticeable. In truth, nothing has really changed other than your way of thinking; in this case about the weather and its perceived impact on your joints.
Aging is Awful. Or is it?
Are you a “glass half-empty” guy or gal? Are you looking at the seniors discount you’re now eligible for at the local pharmacy and grumbling because it’s a sure sign of aging? Are you already thinking about having to downsize from the family home and all the work that might mean? We have some recommendations:
- First and foremost – think about that word “attitude” again. It’s time to reframe your perspective. If aging brings along with it a discount on products, goods and services – we are all for it! Sure the first time we saw a menu with “senior pricing” applied at only age 55 we just about lost our marbles but then again, a savings is a savings and that puts the smile back on our face!
- Next up – consider the advantages of aging rather than thinking of them as consequences. Goshenite Seniors Services offers a variety of transitional options for seniors that include affordable relocation options, estate and contents sales and planning, downsizing options and move management. In other words, if moving is on your horizon, we can help! We offer affordable and inclusive services that take the pressure off any move.
- Think about this approach to downsizing. It isn’t about “giving up” the family home but rather, with a healthy attitude, it’s actually a time to embrace the opportunity to reduce yard maintenance and snow shoveling and the hundreds of other responsibilities that come with home ownership and embrace freedom instead! Downsizing to a retirement residence, a condo or an apartment frees you up to fill your days with more meaningful and enjoyable activities, to travel without worry and to spend more time visiting family and friends.
What was that about Osteoporosis?
Maybe at this point you’re thinking “sure, I get it, a positive mental attitude is a good thing but I’m always in pain.” We aren’t trying to ignore the elephant in the room and we know that aging, for some folks, is a more difficult journey than for others. November is Osteoporosis Month and we know that for some, bone health is in decline. It can affect people at any age but is twice as likely to impact those over the age of 50 and it’s estimated some 2 million Canadians are affected or one in every three women and one in every five men. Fractures can impact your mobility and quality of life. What can you do about it other than simply having a positive mental attitude? According to First Nations Health Authority, here are four key considerations:
- Eat Healthy: Study after study tells us that eating a healthy diet full of calcium enriched foods and Vitamin D can help.
- Get Active: You may not feel like getting out of bed some days but there is self-empowerment in movement. Remember that sunny day we talked about – sun has vitamin D and moving will…well, it will keep you moving. The more you walk, swim, cycle or do any kind of movement, the more likely you are to be able to maintain the ability to move – period.
- Avoid or reduce alcohol and/or tobacco: Not much needs to be said here, we all know this is the right thing to do – at any age!
- Be Mindful: Here’s that reference to attitude again. Thinking about your mind, body and spirit in a nurturing and caring way is another step toward staying healthy, active and fit. Mental wellness supports physical wellness and vice versa.
If all of this sounds challenging, Goshenite can help here too. In addition to what we’ve already mentioned, Goshenite Seniors Services also provide Care Companion Services providing you peace of mind as you manage your day to day health care needs. We can assist with the basic activities of daily living, outings whether for medical or personal reasons, provide companionship by sharing time with you doing the things you love or accompanying you to appointments or simply going for a walk. A little companionship goes a long way and means you are never alone if you don’t want to be! In other words, Goshenite can help boost your overall attitude toward life!
On the whole, we think it’s fair to say that our attitudes toward aging are changing on a large scale. Pop culture has us saying, “60 is the new 40,” and surely you agree that those of us already receiving the seniors discount on the menu at our favorite restaurant are behaving nothing like our parents did at a similar age. Technology is improving our lives and our outlook, keeping us in easy contact with loved ones and the world is wide open for travel, visiting with friends and dining out. Now is the time to embrace your age and have a healthy attitude toward all the joy aging can bring with it. And, as life sometimes does, if a few aches and pains come along with it – or you need some help with managing any age-related transition – there’s always Goshenite Seniors Services to help along the way!