Each and every month has its own unique, often quirky, themes and special days. For example, December 1st is Eat a Red Apple Day and December 21st is Look on the Bright Side Day, and as a whole, December is BINGO Month and Write to a Friend Month.
Today we are going to focus on Write to a Friend Month.
When was the last time you wrote or received a handwritten letter? In a world of emails, texts and instantaneous communication, good old fashioned letter writing has fallen by the wayside. Instead, our mailboxes are filled with bills, pre-approved credit cards and flyers. December is a month designated for family and friends, thinking of others and sending love, so what better way to show someone you care and are thinking of them than with a thoughtful, handwritten note?
A few ways to celebrate:
- Write to family members and friends you haven’t been in touch with in a while, tell them what has been going on in your life and ask them to respond with their own letter. Notice how much more fun checking the mail becomes as you wait for their response.
- Write letters to those who need it. This could be to military members stationed overseas who receive little to no mail of their own, those in hospital, or someone in the community who may need a bit of a pick-me-up. Get in touch with your local legion, hospital or community center, or even check out social media which often feature stories of those looking for letters or cards to cheer someone up.
- Add special notes to your holiday cards. It is so easy to simply write to and from on your holiday cards. This year, take the time to hand write a special note to each family member and friend. But be sure that each note is unique, don’t fall into the trap of writing the same message on each card.
- Take a calligraphy class and then show off your new skill throughout the year by surprising people with your wonderful calligraphy skills and personal letters.
We believe there is no such thing as having too many friends – the more the merrier – but each relationship needs to be cared for and nurtured. So check-in with friends, send notes to say hi, and get out in the community for face-to-face interactions.
Happy writing!